Former ambassador unable get a Macedonian passport: Angelov criticizes Spasovski and the Interior Ministry


The former ambassador of N. Macedonia to Budapest and Athens, Darko Angelov, criticized the Macedonian Ministry of Interior and Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski.

Angelov is now employed in the OSCE, and he cannot get a passport in Macedonia.

He witnessed the huge crowds at the checkpoint where citizens have their photo taken for personal documents and says that this is happening in the capital of “a country that claims to be Europe, but is not even worthy of Africa!”

“A holiday season Golgotha, when the worst gets even worse! I knew from the media that it was a total chaos, but one has to experience it to see the extent of the collapse of what still claims to be a country. Because of my profession, I and my loved ones live abroad, and we travel often. That is why it was inevitable that we should use our stay at home to replace our passports, as the authorities ordered us without our consent,” Angelov wrote on social media.

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