Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on Sunday


Macedonian Orthodox Christians are celebrating Sunday the Birth of Jesus Christ – Christmas, according to the Julian calendar. Liturgies are being held in all temples of the Macedonian Orthodox Church across the country.

Macedonian Orthodox Church head Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia HB Stefan performed the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great at St. Clement of Ohrid Cathedral Church in Skopje.

HB Stefan sent a Christmas message of peace and blessings to the Orthodox faithful. In his greeting, he also called for national unity.

We need spiritual and national unity more than ever, so that we as a Church and as a nation can survive and preserve all that is ours, Macedonian.

So the question arises: What can we as a Church do about this? We can do exactly what we have been called to do – we can unite and keep uniting, as people and angels once united before the cave of Bethlehem, said the Archbishop Stefan.

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