PPO explains why it demanded detention for the M-NAV thugs: The suspects are a flight risk


In his complaint to the Criminal Council of the Basic Criminal Court Skopje, the public prosecutor explained in detail the reasons why he believes that the decision of the judge of the preliminary procedure not to determine a detention measure for the suspects in the case of M-NAV is unfounded, the Public Prosecutor’s Office informed on Sunday.

In the prosecution’s appeal to the Criminal Council of the Skopje Criminal Court, the public prosecutor has explained in detail why the judge’s decision not to issue a detention order against suspects in the M-NAV case is unfounded, the Public Prosecutor’s Office said Sunday.

“The prosecution has obtained and presented all the [required] evidence that the four arrested suspects pose a true flight risk,” the PPO said. It added that the suspects also posed a risk of influencing witnesses (including the injured party as well as the suspects still unavailable to law authorities) and repeating the crime.

Regarding the charges under Article 303 Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, the PPO said the criteria of endangering air traffic safety had been met because the actions of the defendants had created the real possibility of endangerment, regardless of whether “a catastrophic dangerous consequence in terms of severe injury, death or destruction” had actually occurred.

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