Government to discuss M-NAV situation at session on Tuesday


The Government is set to discuss ways to resolve the situation in the national air navigation service provider M-NAV at its session scheduled for Jan. 9, including dismissing all company management, following the incident in which eight people, including BekimNeziri, a former government minister, M-NAV executive advisor, and DUI branch president, broke into the air traffic control facility and assaulted staff on January 4, 2024.

According to the government’s press release issued on January 4, the proposed solutions were reached at the initiative of Prime Minister DimitarKovachevski in consultation with Defense Minister SlavjankaPetrovska and Minister of Transport and Communications BlagojBochvarski. At the same time, Prime Minister Kovachevski will call on the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the State Anti-Corruption Commission, the State Audit Office, the Financial Police Office and international air traffic control bodies to conduct a complete audit of M-NAV’s previous operations, reads the press release.

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