VMRO-DPMNE decides to participate in caretaker government, names set to be announced after Epiphany


At late Thursday’s meeting of the Executive Committee, VMRO-DPMNE decided to participate in the caretaker government but abstain from voting for it, said Timcho Mucunski, VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee member and mayor of Aerodrom Municipality.

He noted that it is expected for the party’s Central Committee to authorize the party leader, Hristijan Mickoski, to choose the individuals to be part of the caretaker government, with their names set to be announced after religious holiday Epiphany (Jan. 19).

“The reason behind the Executive Committee’s decision to take part in the caretaker government is that Macedonia has never faced a more challenging time. The country is in a difficult situation, dealing with issues ranging from crime to corruption. Kovachevski and Ahmeti control and exert influence over the judiciary and the prosecution. For all these reasons, the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE takes the position to abstain from voting for a caretaker government led by Talat Xhaferi and DUI, which has no legitimacy,” Mucunski said.

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