DUI-led government gave EUR million in tenders to its party donor Eurovia in 2023


DUI sees the institutions as a tool for tenders, which are regularly won by companies close to them, and the money often ends up in the party itself. Day 239 of 2023, Bujar Osmani from DUI, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, approves a tender of 1.8 million euros to Eurovia, a donor of DUI, said opposition VMRO-DPMNE on Saturday.

“In June 2023, Eyup Rustemi from the ranks of DUI, as the director of the Public Enterprise for State Roads, gives a tender to the same Eurovia, DUI’s donor of 1.9 million euros, for cleaning ditches and cutting highway banks. SDS also works for DUI. Spasovski gave that same Eurovia a tender of over 2 million euros for the construction of a police station in the Aerodrom municipality,” added the largest opposition party.


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