United Macedonian Diaspora sends an open letter to Spasovski


The United Macedonian Diaspora sent an open letter to the Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski.

The open letter reads:

“We are writing this letter to inform you of the great concern and lack of information of the diaspora regarding the renewal date of personal documents. Our organization does not accept the need to change personal documents, nor the decision that documents that do not contain the new constitutional name will cease to be valid on February 12, 2024. Anywhere in the world, persons entering their home country cannot be refused entry regardless of the validity of their travel documents.

Macedonians in the diaspora usually need a year, if not more, to obtain new travel documents. Setting arbitrary dates is a very harmful policy. It is more than likely that many Macedonians in the diaspora will not be able to renew their passports within this period, which will prevent their entry into the Republic of Macedonia,” the Macedonian Diaspora said in the letter.

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