SDS – DUI – Alliance have turned Macedonia into a mafia state, healthcare is on its knees


SDS – DUI – Alliance have turned Macedonia into a mafia state, shootings are going on in hospitals, and the minister justifies that it is not related to healthcare, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Saturday.

“The first question is not whether the shooting at the Tetovo hospital has anything to do with healthcare, but why there are shootings in this country at all, why there are mafia confrontations like nowhere else, why so many burning of cars? We live in a mafia state. And secondary is the question of whether there is a connection with the health conditions. We don’t know what is more tragic to have or not to have, and for the minister to feel that he needs to justify that it had nothing to do with healthcare, it means that someone told him that it was on its knees and that there has not been such a disaster since the ‘90s,” said the largest opposition party.

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