The decision on Besa Ademi is a strong blow to DUI and hope for the citizens


The decision of the Judicial Council for Besa Ademi to remain the president of the Supreme Court is a strong blow to DUI and hope for the citizens and justice in the country, the European Association for Change reacted in a press release on Thursday.

“We are aware that such a decision follows thanks to the fact that there are dignified judges in the country who love justice despite the enormous pressure from the government. And as a result of the sharp reaction to the international factor, but also the reaction of the Albanian opposition. The European Association for Change thanks all diplomatic representatives in our country, who publicly reacted against the request for the dismissal of the head of the Judicial Council, Besa Ademi, but also for their commitment that justice prevails in North Macedonia. Today, only the ruling parties, their judges and those officials who continuously seek to return Gruevski to Macedonia, making his cases obsolete and working ceaselessly to save Sasho Mijalkov,” said the coalition of Albanian parties.

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