PPO launches investigation into the case of the 4-year-old brought to the Skopje clinic with serious injuries


A four-year-old girl from Strumica, in a serious state of health, malnourished and frostbitten with gangrenous wounds on her palms and feet and with numerous wounds and fractures on her body, was brought to the Clinic for Children’s Diseases in Skopje, reports Kanal 5 TV.

Due to the little girl’s condition, immediately after admission to the clinic, the authorities from the Ministry of Interior, social services and the Strumica Public Prosecutor were notified, who called a forensic expert. The Strumica police department informs that the child was brought to the General Hospital in Strumica on January 17 around 1 AM, and then due to her poor health condition, she was transferred to the Mother Teresa Clinic Complex in Skopje. They inform that the investigation is ongoing and measures are being taken to clear up the case completely, reported Kanal 5 TV.

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