Government committed major betrayals against the country and citizens


Not only the agreements and the national betrayals they made, much bigger betrayals or at least equally big betrayals are all the crime and corruption, as well as the failure to work and bringing the whole Macedonian people to this poor state, says VMRO-DPMNE MP Igor Janushev on Saturday.

Janushev said that the ruling SDSM and DUI have a completely different concept from the opposition VMRO-DPMNE in relation to European values, pointing out that for his party, daily shootings, murders, crime, as well as attacks on Macedonian navigation controllers at a time when they were over 60 aircraft in the air, are not European values.

“Regarding the constitutional amendments, Janushev repeated the party’s position that they will not accept constitutional amendments under dictate. Our key thesis is that we refuse and will never accept constitutional amendments under Bulgarian dictate, i.e. constitutional amendments such as are proposed now,” said Janushev.


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