Lukarevska: We are working on SDSM’s winning program for the new 2024 term


Together with the presidents of the party committees, we are working on the winning program of SDSM for the parliamentary elections, said the SDSM deputy leader Sanja Lukarevska, in an interview with Radio Kanal 77.

Lukarevska adds that she is convinced that what SDSM will offer, in terms of staff and programming, and what will be offered on the ground in conversation with the citizens, will bring victory and enable the formation of a government.

“Back in 2016, we said that we would be a member of NATO and the EU. We have completed that process halfway. Now that we are within reach of succeeding in getting on the European train, we must not allow problems from home to cause us problems when everyone outside wants to succeed. There are simply no new negotiations for agreements reached,” Lukarevska said.

“The discussion about joint lists with a party from the Albanian bloc, that is, our coalition partner DUI and the Alliance, is taking place, but the same will be the subject of discussion in the next period as well,” added Lukarevska.



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