Newly established companies in the South-Eastern region immediately started reporting huge sums for VAT refunds, the PRO should have reacted


Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska from the opposition VMRO-DPMNE regarding the abuse of the value added tax (VAT) refund in companies in south-eastern Macedonia emphasizes that newly established companies immediately started reporting huge sums for tax refunds, adding that for this they should have reacts the regional directorate of the Public Revenue Office (PRO) in Strumica.

“What amazes me in the whole specific situation, and that is still the regional directorate in Strumica. It is incomprehensible how in 2022 there are established companies and they immediately start making huge purchases (up to 50 million euros), reporting large VAT refunds (over 10 million euros). It is completely unclear how no one noticed that there are companies that, just founded, bought and recorded that they were buying something that they had to sell additionally in the millions,” said the opposition high official.

Dimitrieska-Kochoska pointed out that in connection with such cases, it can be noticed that the same names appear from before, and only the names of the companies are changed, which are sold to other owners shortly after the return of the funds.

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