Is there an end to scandals in diplomacy, where is the rock bottom?


The Macedonian diplomatic union reacts most sharply against the growing trend of breaking the professionalism and internal regulations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After the scandalous appointments of party cadres during the last week to key positions in the diplomatic network, today we are facing a new “diplomatic pearl”. Namely, a completely anonymous person is being proposed for Consul General in Melbourne, whose only qualification, according to the media, is that he was part of Prime Minister Kovachevski’s security team.

Despite the attempts to conceal the information about the appointment of Ms. Elena Brajkovska as Consul General, using creative platitudes such as “there is no such point in the open session” even though these decisions are made in closed sessions, today the appointee is already collecting the necessary signatures in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before starting the preparatory procedures for referral.

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