MoI employees, courts, public prosecutor’s offices, ministries, etc. were collaborators of the Grchec drug group


Officials from several state institutions, including the Ministry of the Interior itself, cooperated with the criminal drug group that has already been broken up, said the Macedonian Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski.

According to the minister, it has been established who the persons are and they do not come only from the Ministry of the Interior, but some are also from other ministries, courts, public offices, etc.

“We identified persons from state institutions who transmitted the data, that is, they were collaborators of the group’s criminal activities. This is the beginning of the cleaning of criminal structures in the system and strengthening of trust among citizens. You will witness new activities in the coming period, sometimes you will be surprised by the names, but justice must reach everyone. There are involved in many institutions, both in the Ministry of the Interior and in other agencies and in ministries and in courts and in public offices, etc. That’s why I said, you might be surprised in the next period, but it must come to light once and show who they are the ones who at some point said “stop the thief”, Spasovski pointed out, asked after previously informing that the criminal drug group numbered 16 people, seven of whom have already been arrested, and the rest will arrested soon.

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