Miloshoski: One deserter resigned, another takes over the PM’s post, citizens have become tenants in their own country


One deserter resigned, another deserter will take over the PM’s post. Neither the one who left the post, nor the one who will take it have sincere feelings towards Macedonia. And therefore, just like Kovachevski, the worst prime minister so far, don’t expect Talat Xhaferi to be better and work for a successful and advanced state of the Republic of Macedonia, said VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonijo Miloshoski on Sunday.

“Dear SDSM supporters, the DUI party does not have enough MPs or the number of votes to elect a prime minister. But today Kovachevski and Marichikj sold the house to SDSM cheaply and made a pendant of DUI for their seats from your party. SDSM, LDP and NSDP, the loyal servants of the corrupt DUI, due to corrupt policies, today made the Macedonian people tenants in their own country. This is a historic day because Macedonia has a Government with historically highest debt, historically highest inflation, historically worst healthcare, historically most fake passports for drug lords, a Government with historically highest corruption in the region,” said Miloshoski.


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