SDSM: DPMNE refuses to vote for its own ministers in the caretaker government as an alibi for Mickoski’s election defeat


The DMPNE officials are nervous about the electoral defeat that awaits them, that is why from the very beginning, the legal obligation for a caretaker government whose sole purpose is to organize fair and democratic elections, was looking for a way to problematize it, SDSM MP Darko Kaevski said in Parliament on Sunday, reports SDSM.

The DPMNE’s goal was an alibi for Mickoski in the White Palace due to the fact that Kovachevski will be prime minister again and SDSM will form the next pro-European government with the European coalition. But it is a problem of the DPMNE that it will have to face after the defeat in the elections,” said MP Kaevski.



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