Parliament elects caretaker Government: Talat Xhaferi is the new PM, these are the elected ministers


At a session on Sunday, the Macedonian Parliament elected the caretaker Government led by Talat Xhaferi with 65 votes in favor and 3 against. The session was attended by 111 MPs. VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs abstained from voting for the caretaker Government.

The main task of the caretaker Government is the holding of fair and democratic parliamentary elections.

The first Deputy Prime Minister in the caretaker Government and Deputy Prime Minister for European affairs will be Bojan Marichikj, while Artan Grubi will hold the post of Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations.

VMRO-DPMNE’s Panche Toshkovski is set to be the Minister of Interior, while Gjoko Velkovski will hold the post of Minister of Labor and Social Policy.

Several ministers from the ranks of SDSM, DUI and the Alliance for Albanians will retain their current posts: Justice Minister Krenar Lloga; Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani; Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi; Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi; Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupcho Nikolovski; Health Minister Fatmir Mexhiti; Education Minister Jeton Shaqiri; Local Self-Government Minister Risto Penov; Culture Minister Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojchevska; Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu; Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski; Minister of Environment and Physical Planning; as well as Fatmir Bytyqi, Minister without portfolio in charge of economic affairs; and Slavica Grkovska, Minister without portfolio in charge of good governance policies.


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