Trendafilov: Draft law on temporary and occasional jobs leaves workers without guarantees


The head of the Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM), Slobodan Trendafilov, criticized on Wednesday the draft law on temporary and occasional jobs, noting that it is impermissible for an EU candidate country to formalize its informal economy.

According to Trendafilov, it is devastating to propose a law that would eliminate the Law on Labor Relations. “With this legislation,” he said, “workers are being turned into modern slaves that will be paid contributions of Mden 290 per day, while the employer will be able to hire them and fire them on a whim”.

“It is impermissible in Macedonia in the 21st century, in an EU candidate country, for us to move backwards and formalize the informal economy. Why? Because we want to legalize everything that is illegal in this society and then say we don’t have any illegal issues. It is devastating to propose a law that would eliminate the Law on Labor Relations. It is devastating to come out and give statements saying that such a legislation would broaden the coverage to all other jobs, i.e., all other activities,” said Trendafilov at a press briefing on Wednesday.

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