Unions protest due to changes in Public Administration Law


Members of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions (KSS) protested Thursday in front of the Parliament, dissatisfied because, as they say, some of the MPs are trying in a sneaky way, without public debate, to pass amendments to the Law on Administrative Officers, which cut off their right to compliance on wages for 2024.
These changes are in contradiction with the General Collective Agreement signed last year, especially with articles 13 and 14, KSS representatives emphasized.
“This law has nothing European in it, this law only encourages nepotism and primitivism. The removal of the minimum wage should be valid as of March, and all other provisions from 01.01.2025. We think that it is not the right time to adopt such a law, a reformist and European as they like to call it, but there is nothing European or reformist about it,” said the Confederation of Trade Unions.

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