The state erased Goce Delchev, claims Levica


Just one day before the commemoration of 152 years since the birth of the Macedonian revolutionary Goce Delchev, the quisling government has NO announcement to celebrate this event! Unlike previous years, when a formal event is organized to which various organizations and political parties are invited, this year there is no invitation, said the opposition party Levica on Saturday.

“Except for a few announcements about a parliamentary delegation on the occasion of this day, there is no announcement or organization by the Government. There is no announcement about the international event “Days of Goce”, which has been organized for years in honor of the Macedonian great. This kind of conscious devaluation and deletion from the collective memory of Delchev’s character and work is equal to national BETRAYAL before the Bulgarian demands! This reborn and anti-Macedonian faction of the SDS, which after deleting ASNOM from the Constitution, continues to dismantle the Macedonian identity and the national struggle of the Macedonians for the constitution of their own Macedonian state. Delchev is the apostle of the Macedonian national consciousness, Delchev is the bastion of Macedonian statehood, Delchev is the primordial urge of every Macedonian for an independent and independent Macedonian state – and therefore, any attack on his image is an attack on the foundations of the Macedonian Republic. As long as the ideals of Delchev live, the Republic will live too – and no temporary and treacherous government can erase him from the collective memory of the Macedonian nation,” claims the party.


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