Mickoski visits Geneva: The diaspora should come out en masse in the upcoming elections because they are essential for Macedonia


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, accompanied by the party’s deputy leader Aleksandar Nikoloski and the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Board member Dragan Kovachki, is paying a two-day visit to Switzerland.

“We believe that we need this mobilization because the period that follows is extremely challenging and we need the greatest possible mobilization of the diaspora to come out and vote in the next presidential and parliamentary elections because they are essential for the future of Macedonia. What I heard from the people here are the dissatisfaction with the way the SDSM/DUI Government treats the diaspora, the ignorant attitude, the lack of mechanisms to respond to their requirements and needs, barriers for investments in Macedonia, as well as the enormous corruption levels in state institutions. The enormous corruption levels and crime within the state institutions, education was also a subject of discussion and the sending of persons carrying out the educational process within the diaspora. A really useful debate, a useful discussion, I am very happy and satisfied that I could see these people today who from all over Europe have gathered here in Geneva and will provide added value further to the VMRO-DPMNE program and of course within the framework of the field activities of VMRO-DPMNE not only in Macedonia but in the diaspora as well,” said Mickoski.

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