Kovachevski leaves it to Taravari to decide whether the AA will be part of the coalition


I would not comment on the developments in the Alliance for Albanians, because it is a matter of another political entity. Their party bodies, their officials are the ones who should give the answers and come out with a position, said SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski in a response to the media on Sunday.

He confirmed that he met with Arben Taravari, but have not spoken to Zijadin Sela, and as Kovachevski emphasized, they only met each other in Parliament.

“It is true that we had a meeting with Mr. Taravari and as we announced after the meeting, we discussed the relationship in the coalition, in the caretaker government at the moment, but also about what was done in the past year, because while I was leading the Government for half of the mandate there were also ministers from the ranks of the Alliance for Albanians. We talked about the current activities in the Government, we are two leaders of political parties who have their own ministers in the caretaker government. As for the dynamics in the Alliance, I would not comment, because it is a different political entity. Their party bodies, their officials are the ones who should give the answers and come out with a position,” Kovachevski pointed out.


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