Nikolov: Priority of the future VMRO-DPMNE-led government will be construction of a modern Clinical Center, completion of the Shtip hospital, merging of the Clinics into one Clinical Center


The head of the VMRO-DPMNE Health Committee Igor Nikolov emphasized at a press conference on Saturday that in the last seven years there has been only one finding for health care – that it is in a semi-comatose state and barely alive.

“VMRO-DPMNE, as a future government, has a plan through the Health System Platform to reset healthcare by improving three key segments, namely efficiency, effectiveness and economy.

Our priority will be strengthening healthcare in the regions, i.e. completing the Clinical Hospital in Shtip, which should grow into a university clinical hospital and a pillar of healthcare in Eastern Macedonia.

Our priority will be the abolition of dualism with tied signatures and the merging of the Clinics into one Clinical Center. Our priority will be a modern Clinical Center and improving the functionality of health institutions. The priority will be to strengthen primary and secondary healthcare.

We will bring back education and training abroad, as the main pillar of personnel policy. These education and trainings were canceled for the last 7 years. We will immediately initiate legal changes in order to employ the best medical staff, within the framework of a national health strategy. We will hire the best students and talented students from medical faculties and medical schools,” Nikolov said.

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