Government reduces HIF employees’ wages, so that it can hire 61 party soldiers before elections


SDSM and DUI are already repeating the practice of Macedonian Navigation (M-NAV), this time in the Health insurance Fund (HIF), by harassing existing employees in order to recruit new party staff, accused VMRO-DPMNE MPPetarRisteski, at a press conference on Monday.

“SDSM and DUI destroyed healthcare. Instead of incentivizing health workers with higher wages, they cut wages. The HIF employees are victims of the bad policies introduced by SDSM and DUI. It is impermissible to play with more than 800 employees of the Health Fund to reduce their wages by 21%, and at the same time to advertise for 61 new jobs a hundred days before elections. The same strategy from M-NAV is mirrored now in HIF, an institution that served as an example and quality work is partisan and filled with party staff,” said opposition MP Risteski.


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