Skopje residents have the highest healthcare opportunities, Krushevo the lowest, shows research


The Center for Civil Communications published the research on the level of healthcare of residents in the 30 health centers in the country.

The research showed that the residents of the capital Skopje have the highest opportunities for healthcare, while the residents of Krushevo have the least opportunities for adequate healthcare.

“There are huge differences in the possibilities, that is, the degree of health care that the residents of the 30 cities in the country can get. Big cities are better and smaller cities are worse. But Kichevo and Kochani are the worst among the big cities, and Vinica and Delchevo are the best among the small cities. In addition to Skopje, Bitola and Shtip are at the top of the list, while at the bottom, along with Krushevo, are MakedonskiBrod, Valandovo and KrivaPalanka,” shows the research.

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