Trajanov: Parliament should create conditions for continuing the procedure for the four 2001 Hague cases


Instead of the Government hiding the request from the Council of Europe for the clearance of the Hague cases “NLA LEADERSHIP”, “LIPKOVO LAKE”, “GROBNICA NEPROSHTENO” and “MAVROVSKI RABOTNICI”, it should propose that the Parliament of Macedonia suspend the authentic interpretation by which the Law on amnesty (since 2002) included these four Hague cases, said Pavle Trajanov, MP and leader the Democratic Union (DS).

“According to the GENEVA CONVENTIONS, war crimes against the civilian population do not have a statute of limitations, therefore the Parliament has the obligation to create legal presumptions to investigate these serious crimes against civilians and to determine the responsibility of all those involved in the commission of these crimes. Respecting the principle of presumption of innocence, everyone must face justice and be held accountable,” said Trajanov.

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