Angelovska-Bezhoska: Western Balkans has a lower GDP by 18 percent due to the lower involvement of women in the economy


The low involvement of women in society does not only mean a loss for the women themselves, but means a loss for the whole society, said the National Bank Governor Anita Angelovska-Bezhoska, in an interview with Bloomberg Adria.

According to the World Bank’s analysis, the economies in the Western Balkans region lose an average of 18 percent of their GDP due to the lower involvement of women in the economy.

In order to improve the situation, a holistic approach is needed in the creation of policies that will improve the quantitative and qualitative participation of women in the workforce, thereby contributing to economic growth, the governor stressed.

The activity rate of women in the region of the Western Balkans is on average about 45%, while in the EU this rate is about 70%. In our country, the activity of women is about 45-46%, in contrast to the rate of activity among men, which is about 65%.

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