Culture Ministry allocated MKD 900,000 for erasing the graffiti of the Colorful Revolution, and a measly MKD 86,000 for the Racin meetings


Bisera Kostadinovska Stojchevska made a complete mess with the annual program in culture, says VMRO-DPMNE. Through the members of the commissions who are still unknown to the public, and who signed the scandalous program, Kostadinovska Stojchevska awarded tens of thousands of euros to totally anonymous people, VMRO-DPMNE said on Sunday.

The association for culture, art, sport and recreation ARTAL from Tetovo will receive funds from the ministry for the International Festival “Meridians”, (6th edition), i.e. MKD 300,000 in 2023. This year, financial resources have been approved five times more, i.e. MKD 1,400,000, in contrast to the Racin Meetings, which is the second largest literary and poetic manifestation with a tradition of 60 years, which fell from MKD 600,000 from 2017 onwards to a miserable MKD 86,000, supported by the ministry.


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