DPMNE has no plan, with SDSM there is a European future, higher salaries and pensions, SDSM claims


That DPMNE does not have a plan, nor a clear position on any issue, the citizens know very well. DPMNE is against joining the EU, it blocks the European path, but Mickoski does not have a position, does not say what the alternative is, what is the plan without EU membership, SDSM said in a press release on Sunday.

“DPMNE strongly opposed the French proposal, and when it was time to vote in the Parliament, DPMNE MPs did not vote, they had no opinion. DPMNE spread lies about assimilation and Bulgarianization, when it was the turn of the Macedonian Parliament to vote on the Frontex Agreement, DPMNE MPs did not vote, they had no opinion.

With SDSM, the country has a European future,” said the ruling party.

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