Over 272,000 driver’s licenses should be replaced by year-end, says Toshkovski


Macedonian caretaker Interior Minister Panche Toshkovski said that approximately 525,000 driving licenses with the country’s new constitutional name have been issued.

Toshkovski said that by the end of the year, over 272,000 such documents containing the old name need to be replaced, but they are still valid according to the date of issuance. He added that now, with the legal amendments regarding traffic safety, they will be valid until December 31, 2024.

The Interior Minister also informed that 350,000 stickers with the new NMK designation have been distributed to stations for technical inspection. Citizens are required to place these stickers on their vehicle registration plates as without them, they will not be able to exit the country. This obligation arises from the Prespa Agreement and comes into effect tonight at midnight.

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