Solution found to increase salaries for 3,200 employees of the “St. Cyril and Methodius” University


The UKIM employees’ problems have come to an end. As NetPress learns, a solution has been found to recognize the collective agreement and university professors will finally receive the requested salary increase.

Minister of Labor and Social Policy Gjoko Velkovski announces that a solution has been found for the recognition of the collective agreement, and thus an increase in their salaries, and says that now it is the turn of the relevant ministries.

“A solution has been found to increase their salaries of the 3,200 employees of the “St. Cyril and Methodius” University. We had a meeting with Rector Biljana Angelova and her team, along with representatives of the Union, where the Ministry found a solution to recognize the collective agreement, and thus increase their salaries. Namely, I call on the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Finance to find a quick solution to recognize the collective agreement and increase the salaries of University employees,” said Minister Velkovski.

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