Embarrassing – A two-headed delegation at the same conference!


Out-of-tune delegation in Munich, commented MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE, Antonio Miloshoski, about the security conference where the main topics were the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East.
“Serious topics, serious protocol with the presence of delegations from many countries. But only one delegation looks like an out-of tune orchestra – unfortunately, it is the Macedonian delegation. Namely, according to the diplomatic rules, a country cannot be represented at an international conference by the president of the country and the prime minister at the same time, because both of them have the highest rank – head of state and head of government. Either the president or the prime minister goes as the head of the delegation, but not both together. In the case of Macedonia, at the conference in Munich, President Pendarovski is also present, and at the same time the caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi is also there. Both have several associates in their entourage. Moreover, with a group of his collaborators, Foreign Minister Osmani is also there, the one who should point out to the Prime Minister that two-headed delegations to the same conference are not sent even by the countries that serve as a laughing stock on the international stage,” Milososki said in a social media post.
As Miloshoski states, it is bad for the government if none of the three seriously understood that such a double presence is not allowed from a security point of view.

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