Kichevo-Ohrid highway and the expressways will be completed by 2026, pledges Mickosk


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski at Saturday’s debate “Infrastructure platform for the future” on the topic “Concept for investments in infrastructure” which was held in Drugovo, municipality of Kichevo, indicated that with the VMRO-DPMNE government “it will all be very different from now on”.
The opposition leader indicated that when VMRO-DPMNE comes to power, all the crime and corruption that happened in the area of infrastructure will be investigated in detail and there will be responsibility for it.
“The Kichevo-Ohrid highway was supposed to be completed in January 2024. Now we are already in the second half of February, and there is nothing done. And it is impossible for that project to end in January 2024. why? Because at this moment, when you do a detailed analysis and a cross-section of where the construction activities are, you will conclude that it is somewhere around 70 percent completed from what it should be 100%. So we have somewhere around 30 percent. We promise that the entire section will be completed and put into use in the second half, or I would say the end of 2026,” Mickoski said.

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