SEC proposes transitional provision in Electoral Code to enable voting with old name passports of valid date


The State Election Commission (SEC) proposes on Saturday that the Electoral Code should include a transitional provision according to which, in the upcoming elections, both in the country and abroad, it will be possible to vote with passports bearing the country’s old name “Republic of Macedonia” if they have a valid date.

SEC head Aleksandar Dashtevski said Friday citizens will be able to vote in the upcoming elections, identifying themselves with a single fingerprint. It will also be possible to choose options such as: “I vote”, “I don’t vote”, “I don’t want to/I want to get two ballots”.

“There is an article related to personal documents, in terms of the passports. We propose that passports bearing the name “Republic of Macedonia”, be valid for voting if they have a valid date and that this be placed in the Electoral Code as a transitional provision that will apply only for these elections. I don’t think there is a more ideal solution than this one. We have already changed the Law on ID cards and they are valid, but many people neither have ID cards, so if their passports are valid, they will have a document because these are actually valid documents, issued by our competent authorities,” said Dashtevski.

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