SDSM is against extending the validity period of old passports


SDSM MPs will not back the extension of the passport deadline until December 31, because they believe it is against the Constitution and international agreements. Caretaker Parliament Speaker Jovan Mitrevski says that international agreements cannot be changed by law.
However, VMRO-DPMNE again urged the ruling party MPs on Tuesday to support this request. Antonio Miloshoski says that the amendment of the law on travel documents is necessary to deal with the chaos.
VMRO-DPMNE’s proposal to extend the validity period for passports with the old constitutional name was submitted on the same day when the MPs approved the extension of the term for driver’s licenses, but it was not on the agenda then. On February 12, the validity period of passports with the old name expired, but more than 600 thousand citizens still do not have a new passport, and it is difficult to make an appointment for getting one.

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