Demiri promises systemic solution for Leonid’s treatment, but not during caretaker government


The caretaker Minister of Health Ilir Demiri, asked regarding the case of Leonid Indov on Thursday said that the government and the Ministry of Health were fully committed and a solution will be found to help him, that is, his costs will be covered. A systemic solution, as he pointed out, in the pre-election period and during a caretaker government, cannot be found.

“A lot has been done so far. We have spoken to the family and you will receive an epilogue quickly. I don’t want a media campaign about finding a solution. So, the Government and the Ministry of Health are fully committed and we will find a solution to help not only Indov, but also every single patient who needs it,” said Demiri before the start of the panel discussion on the marking of the Rare Diseases Day in Skopje.

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