State Market Inspectorate to inspect price controls in the markets starting Thursday


The State Market Inspectorate (SMI) will not wait for tomorrow, i.e. the full implementation of the decisions, but as before, as well as today, we are going out in the field and will carry out inspections in all large markets in the country, according to all the laws by which the Market Inspectorate acts, he said the SMI director Goran Trajkovski.

He adds that in the past period, the inspectorate was at the level of its task and in the interest of all stakeholders, especially the citizens.

“We acted and did not allow anyone to apply dishonest trade practices, and thus to disobey the anti-crisis measures of the Government. This is how we will continue to act in the future, and any action contrary to the laws under our jurisdiction will be punished,” said Trajkovski.



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