We are further from the EU than ever before, accuses opposition


After the SDS and Pendarovski government signed the Prespa Agreement and the Good NeighborlinessTreaty with Bulgaria, they claimed that we were just about to join the EU. StevoPendarovski convinced the citizens that he and the SDS-led government closed all open issues with the neighbors, and that now no one obstructs us, on the contrary, Greece and Bulgaria helped us, VMRO-DPMNE MP and Executive Committee member Mile Lefkov told a press briefing on Monday.

“Pendarovski emphasized that there is not a single open major issue. A few years later, Macedonia is further away from the EU than ever before, and relations with Bulgaria are worse than the times Pendarovski and SDS claimed they were bad.

Instead of progress and opening of negotiations with the EU, we have new demands and dictates,” added the opposition MP.

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