VMRO-DPMNE: After the historic response of 28,000 signatures for Siljanovska, we remain committed to changes for a better future


On my own behalf and on behalf of VMRO-DPMNE, I thank each citizen who gave their signature for Professor GordanaSiljanovska-Davkova’s presidential bid. Historically the largest response so far, more than 28,000 signatures were collected in less than 12 hours, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson MarijaMiteva told a press conference on Monday.

“This is the biggest evidence and the most accurate indicator of the citizens’ desire and hope for changes for a better future. But for VMRO-DPMNE, this is above all a great responsibility to each and every citizen. We have an obligation to each and every one of you to fully justify your support!

This figure only confirms to us that we must remain committed to the vision of changes, for changes that mean honest and fair governance, changes that will mean a better life for citizens at home, changes that mean restoring the dignity of citizens and the country,” added the opposition spokesperson.

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