Criminal charges against five people for counterfeiting money


Police officers from the Department for Economic Crime at the Kumanovo PD in the village of Rankovce, arrested A.A. (31) from Skopje, I.M. (23) from Kriva Palanka, D.S. from Skopje, M.A. (24) from Skopje and Z.R. from Skopje for counterfeiting money.

As the Ministry of Interior informed on Sunday, they are suspected of having committed the crime of “counterfeiting money”, which is punishable under Article 268 of the Criminal Code, so that in February they came into contact with a person from Skopje who offered them counterfeit banknotes in denominations of 100 euros and for a sum of MKD 18,000, they bought nine counterfeit banknotes in denominations of 100 euros from him.


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