Escobar: The dialogue between N. Macedonia and Bulgaria should remain based on facts


The special representative of the State Department for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, spoke at a press briefing about the resolution in support of N. Macedonia’s EU accession by the US Senate.

Asked by reporters, Escobar said that the United States appreciates both Macedonia and Bulgaria as NATO members and that the dialogue between the two countries should be based on facts.

“I want to begin by saying that both N. Macedonia and Bulgaria are valued NATO members and allies and we want a peaceful solution to all issues, but we encourage the dialogue between N. Macedonia and Bulgaria to remain fact-based and rooted in the commitment that Macedonia continues to has an EU perspective. And I believe that we have assurances from Bulgaria that they want North Macedonia to be part of the EU. We want to use those opportunities because North Macedonia should be a full candidate and an immediate candidate for EU membership,” said Escobar.

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