Bekteshi: The sale of AD ESM will never happen while I’m the Minister of Economy


According to the Energy Development Strategy and the official documents carried by the Ministry of Economy, the sale of AD ESM is not foreseen, but the opposite is foreseen – ESM to strengthen its capacities in order to be the pivot of the energy sector in our country. None of us knows whether ESM would go up for sale in the future or not, Macedonian Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi pointed out on Friday.
“While I am the Minister of Economy and a government official, this can never happen. But even if I’m not, if my political party DUI is in the government, it won’t happen again. If someone else has an option, let them present it to the citizens publicly and let the citizens decide whether they want ESM to be sold or not,” Bekteshi said in response to a question during Friday’s celebration of World Consumer Day.

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