SEC: All citizens over the age of 18 will be registered in the Voter’s List


With the latest amendments and additions to the Electoral Code, it is foreseen that all citizens who have reached the age of 18 as of the day of the elections will be registered in the Electoral List, in accordance with the act on announcing the elections, who have a residence on the territory of the state. With them, other novelties are foreseen, but one of the most important is that citizens will be able to vote with expired personal documents and travel documents in the last nine months before the elections. Voting for the presidential elections will be organized in the diaspora, but in order to vote in the parliamentary elections, 5,355 accepted applications from our citizens abroad are needed.
The SEC spokesperson Ljupka Guguchevska stated that this would mean that all citizens who have reached the age of majority and will turn 18 years of age as of May 8, 2024 will be recorded in the excerpts from the Voter’s List for the parliamentary elections on May 8, the day determined for the parliamentary elections. While for the presidential elections, the citizens who have turned the age of 18 as of April 24, as the date of holding the presidential elections, will be recorded in the excerpts from the Electoral List.

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