Euromax Resources: International investors cannot have confidence in this Government and country


The investor in the copper mine in Ilovica reacted to some of the domestic institutions, as well as the embassies, about the legal uncertainty in the country.

Euromax Resources CEO Tim Morgan sent a letter to Canadian Ambassador Giles Norman, EU Ambassador David Geer, US Ambassador Angela Aggeler, Dutch Ambassador Dirk Jan Kop, British Ambassador Matthew Lawson, Bulgarian Ambassador Angel Angelov, as and Swiss Ambassador VéroniqueHulmann, in which it is said that the legal certainty that the legal system should provide is in question, especially in the case of the Ilovica mine, and represents a real threat to foreign direct investment.

The company points out that there are three final judgments in their favor and there are no legal arguments that would challenge the validity and legality of the exploitation concessions Ilovica 6 and Ilovica 11.

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