Freedom House report confirmed the conditions that the opposition has been pointing to for a long time, says SPM


The false boasts of the governments led by Zaev and Kovachevski about the growth of the standard and salaries of the citizens were scattered before the harsh reality of the numbers. Citizens are impoverished and dissatisfied due to the high inflation and pronounced insecurity that is present everywhere, in all spheres of work and living. It affects the emigration of citizens who are not satisfied with the current government and are leaving the country in despair, says the Socialist Party of Macedonia (SPM).
The Socialist Party of Macedonia assesses that the Freedom House Report has confirmed the conditions that the opposition has been pointing to for a long time about the decline of the state in terms of democracy and the freedoms and rights of citizens.
The assessment from the Report on the failure of the institutions in the exercise of their competences points to bad management, all in the interest of the staff of SDS and DUI. The Government is preoccupied with hiding crime and corruption, added the party.

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