Only one Macedonian national requested evacuation from Israel


Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said only one Macedonian national requested evacuation from Israel in response to the Ministry’s call to nationals currently located in Israel and the broader Middle East region following Iran’s attack on Israel on Saturday.

“So far, one of our nationals has applied to the Embassy in Israel, requesting to evacuate immediately due to the situation. He was immediately given a passport so that he could leave the country, and a company also called the SOS phone here in Skopje about four employees who are in Israel so that we can keep them in mind in case the situation worsens and that they also have contact information numbers where to contact them so we can get them out,” says Osmani.

The Foreign Minister assesses that the situation in the Middle East is partially stable and joined the calls to Israel not to retaliate against Iran’s attack in order, as he says, to prevent the worsening of the situation and the spiral of conflicts.

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