Huge gratitude to all the people for the result achieved on April 24, now let’s all come out en masse on May 8, says Mickoski


At a rally in Cheshinovo-Obleshevo within the framework of the presidential and parliamentary campaign, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski urged all citizens to vote for VMRO-DPMNE and for Professor Gordana Silajnovska-Davkova in the second round of presidential elections on May 8.

Mickoski explained that if the citizens stay at home and do not exercise their right to vote, they enable Ali Ahmeti, Artan Grubi, Bujar Osmani and Kreshnik Bekteshi to continue humiliating the entire people of Macedonia.

“There are people that stay at home and defy politicians by saying that all politicians are the same, that everything will be the same as before and they find some kind of justification why they stayed at home for the elections. In essence, they do not understand that even in that case they are voting, but they are voting for bad politicians, for those who robbed, humiliated and embarrassed Macedonia. They are voting for Ali Ahmeti to continue living like a Middle Eastern sheikh in his hacienda in Zajas made with your money, for little boys to continue buying business centers in the center of Skopje worth several tens of millions of euros just because they are part of Ali Ahmeti’s family. Let the people who are part of the family of DUI champions through their companies continue to have businesses of several tens of millions of euros on the citizens’ backs. Let Artan, Bujar, Kreshnik and the rest continue to humiliate you, let the lies continue, let the luxury that DUI officials enjoy continue, they vote for them. Those who stayed at home voted for them,” Mickoski said.

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