NB’s Jankoski: We are working on a new regulation to strengthen cyber resistance


Activities have been started to harmonize the domestic regulation with the European Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), which will establish unified standards for protection, reporting and handling of security incidents, ensuring business continuity, greater control of external persons for important operational functions and enhanced communication and coordination of all institutions in the financial sector, said GoranJankoski, the chief supervisor for the information systems of the National Bank, in an opinion pice for the Macedonian Banking Association’s newsletter.

Jankoski states that NBRM is preparing a new Decision on Methodology for the security of the information system, in line with the guidelines of the European Banking Authority (EBA) for the management of security-related risks.

“It would be an introduction to the activities for the preparation and introduction of a new law for the promotion of the financial sector, in line with DORA,” points out Jankoski.

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