SDSM’s desperation turns into violence – SDSM regional leader assaulted the VMRO-DPMNE Youth Force president in Strumica


VMRO-DPMNE Strumica informs thegeneral  public about another incident and unpleasant event. SDSM Strumica in despair due to the failure of blackmail, threats and pressures on the citizens turns to physical violence. Unable to face the electoral defeat in the Municipality of Strumica, the defeat in Bansko and the weak support from the citizens, the leadership of the SDSM after the defeat used pressure on its members simultaneously with threats and direct attacks on VMRO-DPMNE activists. Today, May 3, 2024, during the day, an activist and SDSM Bansko leader Dame Trenchevski physically and with the use of force assaulted the president of the VMRO-DPMNE Youth Force Nikola Andonov in a market, said the main opposition party.

The assault has been duly reported to the competent authorities, and the regional VMRO-DPMNE headquarters will inform the representatives of the OSCE/ODIHR Monitoring Mission about this incident.

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